The Rise of the Dragon in Ghana: Lessons for the Global Diaspora

By Joseph Bekoe

Ghana, a vibrant tapestry of cultures, boasts a significant Chinese presence. This is not just a statistic; it’s a testament to the Chinese community’s success in integrating and contributing to the nation’s development. While challenges remain, their strategies offer valuable lessons for other Global Diasporas, including those with potentially “bigger” privileges.

Chinese Strengths in Ghana:

  • Focus on Business and Trade: The Chinese understand the power of economic engagement. They invest heavily in Ghana’s infrastructure, agriculture, and manufacturing. This creates jobs, fosters skills development, and boosts the Ghanaian economy.
  • Strong Work Ethic and Adaptability: The Chinese are known for their dedication and hard work. They adapt to local conditions, learn the language, and build relationships with Ghanaian communities. This fosters trust and facilitates collaboration.
  • Community Building and Support: The Chinese diaspora in Ghana is tightly knit. They support each other through cultural events, business networks, and social safety nets. This creates a sense of belonging and empowers individuals to thrive.

Privileges of Global Diasporas in Ghana:

  • Strong Cultural Ties: Many Global Diasporas, like Ghanaians abroad, have deep cultural connections to Ghana. This facilitates understanding, communication, and potential collaborations.
  • Remittances and Investment: Diasporas can contribute significantly to Ghana’s economy through remittances and investments. This can boost local businesses, create jobs, and improve livelihoods.
  • Access to Knowledge and Resources: Global Diasporas often have access to advanced knowledge, skills, and networks in their host countries. They can leverage these assets to support Ghana’s development in various sectors.

Emulating the Chinese and Leveraging GDAAR:

Global Diasporas can learn from the Chinese by:

  • Focusing on Business and Economic Development: Identify opportunities to invest in Ghana’s critical sectors and create jobs.
  • Building Strong Communities: Foster networking, mentorship, and cultural exchange within the diaspora and with Ghanaians.
  • Sharing Knowledge and Skills: Utilize expertise and resources to support skills development, education, and innovation in Ghana.

This is where GDAAR Foundation becomes crucial. GDAAR offers a platform for Global Diasporas to:

  • Connect with Business Opportunities: Access investment opportunities, market research, and business development support.
  • Contribute to Skills Development: Provide professional training, mentorship, and educational resources to Ghanaians.
  • Share Knowledge and Expertise: Participate in knowledge-sharing workshops, conferences, and online platforms.

By leveraging GDAAR’s services, Global Diasporas can maximize their impact and contribute meaningfully to Ghana’s development, just as the Chinese have done.


The Chinese presence in Ghana is not just about numbers; it’s about a successful model of integration, economic contribution, and community building. Global Diasporas, with their unique privileges and resources, can emulate this model and partner with GDAAR to create a win-win situation for themselves and Ghana. By focusing on business, community, and knowledge sharing, they can become catalysts for even greater progress and prosperity in the nation. Let’s move beyond the numbers and harness the power of collaboration for a brighter future for all.

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