Peace & Justice

Ghana Diaspora Advocacy and Resource (GDAAR) Foundation: Championing Peace, Justice, and Stability

The Ghana Diaspora Advocacy and Resource (GDAAR) Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting peace, justice, and stability for the global diaspora in Ghana. We believe these values are essential for the development and prosperity of Ghana and its diverse citizens.

Our Mission for Peace and Justice

The GDAAR Foundation’s initiatives for a more equitable Ghana include:

  • Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution: Helping communities build trust, understanding, and mechanisms for resolving disputes peacefully.
  • Human Rights Activism: Protecting the rights of all Ghanaians and members of the diaspora, including refugees, asylum seekers, women, and children.
  • Legal Assistance: Offering legal aid and guidance to diaspora members in Ghana facing legal issues.
  • Education and Training: Empowering community leaders, government officials, and stakeholders with knowledge about peacebuilding, conflict resolution, human rights, and related principles.

Join Us: Building a Future of Peace, Justice, and Stability

We welcome all who believe in peace, human rights activism, civil rights, and political stability to support the GDAAR Foundation. Here’s how you can help:

  • Donate: Your contribution sustains our crucial efforts for a just Ghana.
  • Volunteer: Your time and skills make a powerful impact.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network.

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