Music Icon Stevie Wonder Becomes Ghanaian Citizen on His 74th Birthday.

Legendary artist embraces ancestral heritage, joins GDAAR Foundation’s mission to preserve Ghanaian culture through ancestral heritage tours.

By Joseph Bekoe

Accra, Ghana – On May 13th, 2024, the world-renowned musician Stevie Wonder officially became a citizen of Ghana, marking a profound connection to his ancestral roots. The momentous occasion coincided with his 74th birthday, making it a truly special celebration.

The Oath of Allegiance and Certificate of Citizenship were presented to Mr. Wonder at Jubilee House, Ghana’s seat of government. The event was a testament to Mr. Wonder’s deep appreciation for Ghanaian culture and his desire to contribute to its rich heritage.

In a heartfelt statement, Mr. Wonder expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome he received in Ghana and emphasized his commitment to supporting the country’s cultural preservation efforts. This aligns perfectly with the mission of the GDAAR Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and preserving Ghanaian culture through ancestral heritage tours and educational initiatives.

The GDAAR Foundation is thrilled to have Mr. Wonder’s support in their ongoing efforts to connect people with their Ghanaian heritage. Through their ancestral heritage tours, the foundation provides a unique opportunity for individuals to explore their roots, learn about Ghanaian traditions, and contribute to the local economy.

To further our mission, the GDAAR Foundation has launched a GoFundMe campaign ( to raise funds for our cultural preservation programs. We encourage everyone to join us in supporting this important cause and help ensure that Ghanaian culture continues to thrive for generations to come.

Mr. Wonder’s decision to become a Ghanaian citizen is a powerful symbol of the enduring connection between Africa and its diaspora. It serves as an inspiration to others to embrace their heritage and contribute to the preservation of their ancestral cultures.

Join the GDAAR Foundation in celebrating Stevie Wonder’s Ghanaian citizenship and support our mission to preserve Ghanaian culture by donating to our GoFundMe campaign. Together, we can ensure that Ghana’s rich heritage continues to inspire and enrich the lives of people around the world.

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