Home Advocacy GDAAR Inspired by 3i Africa Summit: Championing Diaspora Investment in Ghana’s Digital Future .

GDAAR Inspired by 3i Africa Summit: Championing Diaspora Investment in Ghana’s Digital Future .

by webadmin

By Joseph Bekoe

The 3i Africa Summit concluded in Accra on Wednesday, May 15th, having ignited a spark of excitement for the continent’s burgeoning digital economy. With fintech innovation, financial inclusion, and economic growth at the forefront of the agenda, the summit drew together global leaders, policymakers, and tech innovators.

GDAAR (Ghana Diaspora Advocacy and Resource), a key player in the diaspora engagement space, found inspiration in the summit’s outcomes, highlighting the immense potential of diaspora investment in propelling Ghana’s digital transformation.

Unleashing Diaspora Capital for Ghana’s Growth

The summit showcased Ghana’s commitment to digital innovation,, and we believe the diaspora is uniquely positioned to accelerate this progress.

GDAAR’s focus on diaspora engagement aligns perfectly with the summit’s goals. They are actively working to facilitate:

  • Diaspora Investment: Creating channels for diasporans to invest in Ghanaian startups and digital ventures, fostering economic growth and technological advancements.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Connecting diaspora professionals with local talent to share skills and expertise, accelerating innovation.
  • Policy Advocacy: Working with stakeholders to ensure that policies are diaspora-inclusive, encouraging investment and participation in the digital economy.

Ghana Diaspora Dialogue & Diaspora Investment and Innovation Forum

Inspired by the Summit’s success, GDAAR is excited to announce its upcoming Ghana Diaspora Dialogue and Diaspora Investment and Innovation Forum. These events will further facilitate collaboration, connect diaspora investors with promising opportunities, and provide essential resources for smooth transitions.

Your Support Fuels Progress

To fully realize GDAAR’s mission, we need your help. Your donation to our GoFundMe campaign directly supports:

  • Resource Development: Creating comprehensive guides, toolkits, and platforms for diasporans to navigate investment and repatriation.
  • Community Building: Organizing networking events and mentorship programs that connect diaspora professionals with local entrepreneurs.
  • Advocacy Efforts: Driving policy initiatives that encourage diaspora investment and create a welcoming environment for returnees.

Donate today [GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/ca10eb09] and be a part of Ghana’s digital revolution!

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